Falcon Sand Plants

EIW’s Falcon Sand Plant is a sand-washing solution that produces a drip-free, in-spec sand that is conveyable, stackable and ready for immediate sale.

The Falcon Sand Plant consists of a Sump, Pump, Hydrocyclones and a Dewatering Screen on a modular chassis for easy and rapid setup. It features configurable left or right access walkways and a Hydrocyclone underflow access platform, as well as a Pump drain that allows for easily emptying the system during cold weather shutdowns. The EIW Falcon Sand Plant boasts a heavy-duty design for long life and high throughput, yet it is compact enough to fit in a small footprint.

How Falcon Sand Plants Work

Material to be washed enters the Sump, which features a unique feed pipe that allows the Falcon Sand Plant to be configured to a left or right feed orientation. The material in the Sump is then pumped to two Hydrocyclones, which classify the sand to meet the required specification. The in-spec sand is discharged out the bottom of the cyclones and onto a Dewatering Screen, while the fines and majority of the process water are discharged out the overflow at the top of the cyclones. The Dewatering Screen removes excess moisture from the sand to produce a drip-free product that is conveyable, stackable and ready for immediate sale. Water and fine material that are removed by the Dewatering Screen are recirculated through the system to maintain product spec.

Product Features

Compact, modular design

  • Quick setup
  • Small footprint


  • Range of vortex finders
  • Configurable apexes
  • Underflow access platform

Dewatering Screen

  • Optional spray bars to remove excess fines
  • Configurable screen media to meet various duty applications


  • Drain for emptying during cold weather
  • High wear resistance
  • Ability to change speeds as required


  • 3,400-gallon Sump
  • Configurable left or right feed orientation

Access walkways with configurable left or right orientation

Download the Falcon Sand Plant Brochure

To learn more about Eagle Iron Work's Falcon Sand Plants, including sizes and capacities, download the brochure.